Dear Griever

I haven’t met you but I feel so close to you

We may have not physically met

You may not have had my same tragic story

But we have had the similar ‘heartache’ of losing someone

We both have lost someone that was so precious to us

So much so that the love has enveloped our heart with grief

I haven’t met you but I feel so close to you

You understand the tears

You understand that it is possible to cry every day …any time of day

The sleepless nights

The feeling of being challenged to taking a simple breath in

The flashbacks

The roller-coaster feelings

The what ifs

I haven’t’ met you but I feel so close to you

A lot of times you know what to say

Those virtual hugs are genuine

I have not met you


I feel so close to you

©2018 Liz Ann Crockett

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